An animated documentary by David Aronowitsch and Hanna Heilborn
-The boat was like a little fly in the sea, in two-meter high waves. We just drifted without any food or water. Sharaf,17, is one of thousands of boat-refugees who have arrived to Gran Canaria the last years. They cross the ocean in small boat. Sharaf was lucky, he survived. Thousands have died in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean trying to get into the EU. “Sharaf” is completed during the spring of 2012. It is the third and final part in a series of animated documentaries about children and young people in difficult situations by David Aronowitsch and Hanna Heilborn.
Animated Dreams, Tallin 2013
15 IFF Bratislava (6th-12th November 2013)
DOK-Leipzig – 56th International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film 2013
Facets Children’s Programs and the Chicago International Children’s Film Festival 2013
21º Curtas Vila do Conde International Film Festival 2013
Animac 18th Int. Animation Film Festival of Catalonia 2013
Rooftop Films New York 2013
Dokufest Kosovo 2013
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, 2-7 May 2013
Göteborg International Film Festival, January 2013
CPH:DOX, Nov. 2012
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